Medication Adherence Tools: About our Research

Medicine bottles

We have an ongoing initiative researching the tools that are available to help manage medication, and avoid the complications that accompany poor adherence.

Our most recent research is a hands-on evaluation of a variety of complex medication management systems. In the past we have also researched less complex ways to manage medications, including pill boxes and medication reminders.

Apps for Older Adults: About our Research

Apps for Older Adults

We believe that Apps on a smartphone can be a very valuable, life-enhancing resource for older adults, but that it is hard to discover which Apps are and are not useful for this demographic.

We are setting out to make the benefits of smartphones and tablets easily available for older adults and Boomers through a combination of analysis, teaching, and sharing the experiences of their peers.

The Tech-enhanced Life analyst team, with inputs from our Longevity Explorer Circles, are working though all the things older adults can do with a smartphone and picking out the best. We are testing the apps and finding which ones work and which ones do not, from the perspective of an older adult. Our goal is to turn this work into an ever growing library of learning material designed to help unlock the potential of smartphones and tablets for older adults and Boomers.

Falls: Best Insights for Older Adults

Falls, prevention, avoiding

Our team of clinicians and citizen analysts has scoured the web for the best available answers to a set of questions designed to help you make falls less likely, and make the consequences if you do fall less bad.

Falls are a major problem for seniors who want to “Age in Place”, and there have been volumes written on fall prevention: on topics like how to fall-proof your home, how to avoid falling and the like. However when we went out and searched for the best answers to the sorts of questions our circles of older adults were asking, we found a bewildering array of different content, and had a hard time finding just the right set of easily digestible information. 

The goal of this work is to create an accesssible set of “best insights” to a variety of questions about falls. The target audience for these curated insights is older adults who want to reduce the probability they might fall and hurt themselves badly.

The home that watches over your parents: Is it for you?

activity-tracking home sensor systems

Activity-tracking Home Sensor Systems are new products designed to help seniors stay in their homes longer, and to help their family and friends worry about them less. If you worry about an elderly relative or friend who spends a lot of time home alone, and are concerned about what would happen if they fell, or if they left the stove on, or if they had an accident and you were not there to help, then these products are designed with you in mind.

We wanted to find out if they work well yet? And which ones work best (there are quite a few)? And for which types of people and types of circumstance are they suitable?

We set out to answer questions like these in this research project which is a collaboration between Tech-enhanced Life’s internal analyst team, and a group of Citizen Observers and Citizen Evaluators.