Parent’s Computer or Phone “Not Working”

Parent's Computer or Phone "Not Working"

Helping family members who are technology-adverse, with their technical problems, has always been tough, but becomes even harder when they are remotely located or in an isolated facility. Part of the problem of remote support is “seeing” what they are seeing and “controlling” what they are doing.

Lost the TV Remote?

lost tv remote

Who is not familar with this experience?

It’s time to watch TV. Where did you put the remote control for the TV?

Parent Keeps “Losing” Their Phone?

Parent Keeps "Losing" Their Phone?

  Many people misplace their phones, but if your loved one has mobility issues or cognitive decline, it’s even more frequent. Wouldn’t it be nice to offer your loved one a solution?

Mother’s Fire TV Cube “Not Working”

Mother's Fire TV Cube "Not Working"

The Amazon Fire TV Cube that you set up for your mother, who lives in another state, is sometimes hard for her to use. You wish that you had a way to give her remote help on its usage, other than trying to explain it over the phone.

Family Video Call: Too Cramped

Family Video Call: Too Cramped

When my whole family is here, and we want to have an Alexa call with my Aunt who is now in the nursing home, it’s rather cramped sitting around my phone or even my Echo Show

TV Always On in Background: Mind Numbing

TV Always On in Background: Mind Numbing

If you have visited residents' rooms in a nursing home, you will notice that the resident's TV is always on, although the resident is not paying attention. It's mind numbing.

TV Noise Drowns Out Phone Ringing

TV Noise Drowns Out Phone Ringing

In my Dad’s nursing home everybody has their TV blasting, including My Dad. Sometimes he can’t even hear me calling on a video chat request on his Alexa Show.

Aging Parent Answers Doorbell Without Looking

Aging Parent Answers Doorbell Without Looking

My Mom jumps up to answer the doorbell every time it rings. I worry about two things. I worry she opens the door to strangers without knowing who they are. I worry she does not always hear the doorbell and might miss out on someone she actually wants to talk to.