Regular card playing group can’t get together any more

Regular card playing group can't get together any more

A group of friends used to get together regularly to play cards. One moved away. The others are getting older and have trouble getting out at night. They think they can’t get together any more. But perhaps they can. What to do?

Arthritis sufferers need better clothing options

Arthritis sufferers need better clothing options

Here is my story. My mother has severe arthritis. Finding clothes for her is hard because she cannot put them on or take them off easily. Listen to the discussion of the problem at a meeting of the Longevity Collective.

Falling in the shower

Falling in the shower

The (80 yr old) mother of a friend of mine lived alone, fell in the shower, broke her hip, and lay there for 5 hours before someone found her. It was a disaster for her health.

There are really two big problems here, and one of them at least is amenable to a technical solution.